Well really I haven't been up to much. I started to do some conversions on some Dark Eldar test models to build a Chaos Eldar squad for Death Squads (more info here). Picture of the Exarch model to the left. Let me know what you think. I'll be extending the arm on the claw hand a bit and beefing it up a little. It kinda looks like a gimpy hand right now.
I also got a bit done on the Eldar squad as well. Not much though.
Otherwise my life has been pretty hecktik took a side job designing T-shirts and doing some print design so my time for hobby is limited to pretty much listening to podcasts about gaming and playing Magic the Gathering between class.
I would like to thank anyone still listening and hopefully we can get this ball rolling again soon. I may expand to include a little bit of RPG stuff as well as it's also one of my favorite hobbies.